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What Are Stock Alerts and How Do You Use Them?

Ask any financial expert how to get ahead and their answer will probably include some combination of planning, saving, and investing. The entire concept of investing in its most basic form is putting money into something (a business, an idea, a product, etc.) and expecting to achieve a profit beyond what you have contributed. 

When it comes to investing, if market volatility and the recent headlines make you nervous too, you’re not alone. The market will always (and has always) go up and down. It’s how you choose to weather the impact that can make the difference between losing it all or coming out of a particularly volatile cycle unscathed. 

Stock alerts are one tool you can add to your financial toolkit to help you weather any investment cycle – up or down – and sleep soundly at night knowing you’re making good financial decisions. 

Being Smart Helps, but it’s Not Everything 

Markets are volatile by nature as stock prices constantly rise and fall. New information changes people’s expectations of the companies in which they are investing every day, meaning no one can accurately predict when to buy or sell. 

Making sound investment decisions involves education, time, consistent monitoring, and vigilance, and even then – economists disagree every day about what is going on in the markets. Even if you have the time to monitor your stocks, being continuously glued to your phone is not financial freedom. MyRiskAlert does the monitoring for you and will notify an investor when their stock has hit a certain threshold of risk – both high and low.

What Are Stock Alerts?

Leveraging the stock market is one strategy many people are interested in as a means of building financial security. And yet, this interest doesn’t always generate action. According to one recent survey, 4 out of 10 Americans are nervous to invest in the stock market at this point in time. 

Stock performance is all about timing. Staying glued to your phone to continuously monitor stock prices is just not feasible for the average investor. Most of us don’t have the time (or desire!) to do this. And yet, there is a solution – stock alerts.

Stock alerts, also called trading alerts, are notifications about your stock prices that are set based on parameters and risk tolerance you have already decided. For example, you can say: “I want to know if this stock drops below a certain threshold of value, and I want to also know if this stock climbs above a certain percentage.” 

Stock alerts can help you make more informed decisions about holding, selling, or buying stocks based on what the market is doing, in real-time.

How can Using Stock Alerts Help Me?

Managing one investment takes time. And yet, most people don’t invest in only one stock – they have several to monitor. It’s difficult to stay on top of things and know when the right time is to make a move with your portfolio. 

Most people don’t have time to watch for trends and then analyze those trends to determine when it’s the right time to buy, sell, or even just hold onto what they’ve got. 

What is the goal of investing? Many people would have responses like these: 

Your reason for wanting to invest may be unique, but everyone’s goal for investing is to minimize risk while generating as much of a return as possible. 

Stock alerts help you accomplish all this and more. 

Main Benefits of Using Stock Alerts:

When used as a tool for monitoring stock performance, stock alerts can have a significant impact on your decision-making and in turn, your overall well-being. 

1. Save Time 

No one has time to log on to view their stock apps every hour – that’s no way to live! Stock alerts give you real-time intel for each one of your stocks. No alerts? Great! That means everything is going just fine. 

2. Seize Opportunity

If you discover a stock price has dropped but you’re late to the game, you have already lost money. Getting that information sooner could translate to more money in your wallet. Real-time information also gives you access to increased opportunities for your portfolio by giving you alerts for when it’s a good time to buy (i.e., your target opportunity threshold from the stock’s lowest value).

3. Peace of Mind 

Stock alerts give you a boost in confidence. Don’t worry or stress about your stock performance any longer. Rest easy knowing that you’ll get a notification if something is happening that you need to know about. 

3 Ways myRiskAlert Can Help You Manage Risk 

If you feel like your timing is always off, you need to revamp your investment strategy. myRiskAlert can help by monitoring your stocks for you in one simple easy-to-use system, so you can get back to living your life. A totally independent investing tool, myRiskAlert works with any trading platform you already use to invest. 

1. A Better Time to Sell 

myRiskAlert monitors your investments and alerts you when your investment reaches your risk tolerance from its high value. 

Example: Sandy invested in Disney, and in one year it lost as much as 50% of its value. Had she used myRiskAlert, she could have saved over $2,500.  

2. Know When to Buy 

Unlike other stock alerts, myRiskAlert monitors your stocks continuously without any action from you. Once you receive an alert to sell, the system continues to monitor that stock and alerts you when it may be time to buy it back.

That’s what Opportunity Alert can do for your investments. Opportunity Alert lets you know when a stock climbs above its most recent lowest value by your predefined opportunity percentage. Buy with confidence!

myRiskAlert provides a complete investment management strategy if desired and alerts you to opportunities to both sell and buy. 

Example: In May 2021 Fred bought 100 shares of GameStop (GME), a highly volatile stock. If Fred had used myRiskAlert as an investment management tool (buy and sell upon each alert) then Fred’s value one year later would have been around $20,000 greater than just holding the stock; that’s 140% greater!

3. Understand the Past to Shape the Future 

So many questions around investing start with “What if…?” 

CompareAlert answers those questions by showing you how much you could have saved or lost in a particular stock – if you had been making decisions according to your risk and opportunity thresholds –  by looking back at its performance over time.   

myRiskAlert: Invest With Confidence

If risk makes you nervous, you can invest more confidently with myRiskAlert. Want to learn how we simplify the process of minimizing risk?  Visit our website today and discover how you can start getting more out of your investments with the help of these unique and patent-pending stock alerts.

This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal, investment or accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal, investment and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.

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